Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Africa, Day 3.

How is it that Acacia could so perfectly sleep through the night, but I couldn't manage? Maybe it was because I had so confidently announced that I'd conquered jetlag.

We started the day with a trip to the AHope Orphanage with the Gourley's (another adopting family). They were bringing donations to this home for children who are HIV+. Many of these children will never be placed in homes, which is a shame because they were all lovely. Two girls in particular captivated us. I would take turns holding each one of them as I could feel their silent hopes that I was coming to save them. After this experience, I can now understand why families return to Ethiopia to adopt more children after their first.

We arrived at the US Embassy after lunch. The 2 1/2 hour wait was well representing of the entire process. The visa interview took less than one minute, and was a clear case of much ado about nothing. On Thursday, Acacia's visa will be ready, and then she's only a plane ride away from US Citizenship.

We finished the day with dinner at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant. Our translator, Abraham (Ahh-Bee for short) reserved us a table that was front and center to the entertainment stage. A band was playing when we arrived, with instruments that were ancestors to our familiar ones. They were joined by an ensemble of performers that sang and danced. Acacia was such a trooper. After being dragged all over Addis by day, she still found the energy to dance in Killeen's lap at night. Four adoptive families tore injera bread together and drank honey wine. Some, like us, were finishing their journey, while others still had some road to travel. That night, we were family. Oh, and Killeen and I discovered that a few jars full of honey wine is the key to a good, African night's sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Your third paragraph brought tears to my eyes, having been swept up in the stories about "much ado" its so comforting to hear about your experience. Thank you so much!!
